Adulthood pics

As a biological concept, the term adult refers to a human or animal that is a person who has matured. For humans an adult's term has significance that is shaped by the legal and social world. In contrast to "minor" (or "non-adult" an legal adult refers to a person who has achieved an age at which they are majority. They are thought to be to be responsible, independent and competent. The word "major" can be applied to these individuals. There is a general belief that the threshold at which an individual legally matures is 18. It is possible for this to vary depending on legal rights and countries and also on the psychological state.

When it comes to the life span of human beings Adulthood refers to the age at which he or she attains full intellectual and physical maturation. Adulthood, as commonly understood, starts around the age of 20 or 21. The middle age is about 40 years old and then it is followed by an elderly age of 60. Adulthood can be divided into three stages beginning with young adulthood (18-mid-30s), mid-30s-mid-60s, and late adulthood mid-60s until end of life. By the time we reach early adulthood (20 to the early 40s), our physical maturation is complete, although the size and weight of our bodies might increase slightly. When we reach the beginning of adulthood, we are physically at our peak. Muscle strength, response time, sensory ability, and cardiac function all reach their highest levels.

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